One Stop Shop

For All Your Metal Projects

Quality Assured

Contract Manufacturing

Metal Fabrication

Metal Sawing
Plasma Cutting
Water Jet Cutting

OFAB has spent 30+ years becoming an industry leader in the small to medium volume fabrication and machining business.

01 OEM Vehicle Manufacturing

vehicle fabrication
OFAB builds subassembly fabrications for Fire and Emergency Vehicles (bodies, cabs and frames), along with subassemblies for ships and barges.

02 Automated Equipment Manufacturing

automated equipment manufacturing
OFAB has been manufacturing Automated Equipment for various OEM’s for years. The pictured example here is the latest project called LifdeK. LIFDEK Corporation was started by three men with the intent to develop and commercialize a more cost efficient shipping system for lightweight logistics, based upon site-assemblable corrugated pallets. Check out their line of products at
OFAB is the manufacturer for their automated assembly equipment for pallets.

03 Stainless Fabrication

stainless fabrication
Stainless Steel manufacturing is a big part of OFAB business. We manufacture gauge panels, marine parts, automated assembly line parts, food vats, pins, pulleys and conveyor parts.

04 Government Contracts

government contracts
OFAB has been involved in manufacturing parts of the Panama City Mine Rollers and MRAP Armored Vehicles and armor plated transport vehicles for the international market.

05 OEM Parts & Components

OEM parts & components
OFAB builds sub-assemblies fabrications for Fire and Emergency Vehicles (bodies, cabs and frames), along with subassemblies for ships and barges.

06 Kiosk Industry

A new product line for OFAB are kiosks. We manufacture a line of kiosks for law enforcement. It is designed to get the citizens involved in solving crimes. This product is fabricated, finished, assembled and shipped as a single sourced product for OFAB.

07 Furniture Industry

We have had our own line of custom lifetime furniture since 2008. The furniture line includes benches, stools, waste bins and tables for inside and out. Our focus on these products are to make unique furniture mostly of aluminum that will last a lifetime.

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